Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dragon Spawn

This is what i learnt today in senior first aid - one of the methods of treating anaphylactic shock.

If the sperm of a dragon, a unicorn, a centaur, and a tyrannosaurus rex were to somehow FUSE to produce a single offspring, that offspring would be composed of a raw substance only commercially obtainable by harvesting the glands of 69 of these mutant offspring and distilling the glands into a pure form of liquid in a mixer made of a titanium-adamantium-awesomium alloy. This liquid fury would then be pressurized into a single atom by the Large Hadron Collider and then launched into deep outer space to absorb the energy of an exploding star, by which it would have barely sufficient energy to be turned back into a liquid essence, which is then captured by aerospace experts and placed into EpiPens.

These EpiPens give the user a 0.3 mg boost of adrenaline - otherwise known as dragon-spawn, superhuman juice (Hulk Potion), or the Philosopher's Stone - which enables him or her to ascend into the transient state where demigods reign, and are able to party all night and feel like they have popped three pingers without the associated feelings of coming down, munting and scat.

Today the point was raised that the reason for Ryan 'Korean Elvis' Kwen being in the zone every hour, every day, every week was that he has somehow managed to get his hands on an inestimable stash of EpiPens.

I want in. I want an EpiPens before a hard night out on the town.

1 comment:

  1. get ur hands on this stuff man
    it sounds so fukn epic
    then we will tear up soho LOL
