Friday, March 6, 2009

First Proper Post

My first individual post! w000t
It's the end of the first week!! =] Med has been a bit bland during the first week, but I suppose it's because I get bored if I don't know what's going on. All the tutes and lectures sift through so much info so quickly, I generally tune out after I get lost. It's not so bad for lectures because they generally upload podcasts of the lecture and also the powerpoints associated with the slide, but it's still a pain. Even Pharlap (Nitin) got bored 20 mins into a 2 hour lecture on microbiology. At least I had a bit of eye candy to keep me going xP.

Anyway, to start, our first anatomy lecture on Monday was incredibly bad first time round, but when I went over the stuff again, it seemed pretty good. Did stuff on bone structure, musculature and joints, which would have taken about a term to learn in high school. I really need to get my textbooks soon to make things easier, but I haven't had much time and the book shop only opens for like 3 hrs each weekday because it's run by students i think. Our anatomy prac was pretty good. The cadavers didn't look real to me because of all the preservation chemicals so it didn't freak me out too much. A few guys got light-headed because our tutor held up the diaphragm and started waving it about to show how flappy it is which I must admit was quite gross. But other than that, it was an.. interesting experience =P.

I'm not particularly fond of scenario groups, because we don't learn anything interesting. It's mainly about teamwork and communication, encompassed in a whole lot of work for projects and assessments, which is quite annoying. It could be so much better if we didn't have to do such boring stuff. We've already been given like 3 assignments to do =_= sucks balls. Jinsoo already went through them in his post so I won't bother. We're relating the model to multiple sclerosis though. It'll be interesting getting into that.

Theres not much else that's note-worthy. I suppose the histology lecture was alright, some neat things. The info and resources tute was worse than what I had imagined from what people were telling me before I did it. Bloody oath. The random lectures on the disciplines of medicine and the cultures and traditions, were alrite in parts but its hard to concentrate in them, but thats like any other lecture. Microscopy was a little bland too, it was just looking at slides which they had prepared in comps. I hope I start getting into a groove once I get my textbooks, which I really hope is on Monday during my 5 hour break =_=.

Ok now on to general uni life. I have seen 2 super hot asians that I don't know on the way home. One on Tuesday arvo and one on Thursday. The girl on Tuesday got onto the same carriage as me but at Redfern, so I think she goes to Usyd, because she dressed like a uni student. Not quite sure which year tho, but daaaaayam she was so pretty. I separate hotness from prettiness by the idea that hotness contains an air of sluzza while prettiness is purely innocent. And I must reiterate, man was she pretty. AND she got off at Blacktown!! I was like '... BS!' I should have talked to her, but I didn't realise she was standing behind me on the packed train, until a fair way into the trip, so it would have been weird if I suddenly started talking to her. Luckily I get off at the same time this Tuesday, so I'm hoping I'll bump into her again =D.

Now on to Thursday girl. She was HOT! Hot like that girl from smallville... Kristen Kreuk?? She seemed really high maintenance though, but wowwww lol! And she sat in front of me on the bus to Central from UNSW!! But she was on the phone most of the trip, so no opening xP I probably would have gotten shut down anyway lol. Oh well, one day I'll get my shot =P

Well, that's it for my first post =D most of it was boring work stuff and I know I'm going to look at the last 2 paragraphs and think I was an incredible douche when I have to re-read this stuff lol. But I hope it helped u kill time =P Bye Bye.

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