Thursday, March 5, 2009

Today's lesson in Microbiology: How to wash your hands.

Today i celebrate a very special day.
Yes thank you, thank you, it was the first day that i wasn't late to class. I walked into my SG room and fell down the stairs. Smooth, i know.
Basically went through our assessments.. in our first course, we have three:
1. Individual Assignment on a hero of medicine, i think i might do Joseph Lister, since he's got both a combover and a mutton-chop beard, making him the total hero of good looks. Plus, he was a surgeon, so that makes it alright to do a report on him.
2. A Group Project on an issue in medicine, within a group of 5 people. My group is pretty cool, since we have the only wranger in our class. We are destined for greatness. We'll probably do our project on the inadequacy of emergency resources in the ER of hospitals, like how that lady bled to death in the waiting room of an emergency ward! Creepy, but not as creepy as my facilitator's attraction to Will.
3. A Written Exam, which is like the HSC all over again, shock horror. No more need be said
So yeah, 4 hours later, (had another shitty 4 hour break which was made worse by people coming back from the beach and talking about how mad it was), i walk into my first biomedical practical, expecting slime and bile and blood and stool samples, and what do they teach us?
Wait for it, utter letdown -
- how to wash our hands.
Oh yes, it's a lot to take in, but i seriously learnt how to wash my hands. Also, i'm apparently not very good at it, since we coated our hands with some UV-fluorescent fluid to see if we got it all off when we washed. I sucked, i had all this gunk under my nails and shit - but so did everyone else. We all gave each other that look: "you got into medicine but don't know how to wash your hands?"
Anyway, home time, had a smoke, and i think i'm coming down with a cold.. but nothing a good dose of vitamin C and Gray's Anatomy can't fix. Note to self - buy Gray's anatomy for students.

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